I love making rooms. Why? I love the creativeness of it. The shapes and figures you can make, the levels, the 8bitness of it all. Why wouldn't you want to? Is it because it is tedious? Maybe... but with a few tricks you too can be a....
With some time you can make floors, stairs, statues, cars, boats, trees, rivers, waterfalls, etc. You name it, it was probably done in PICO. I think before you get started with making a room, learn how to make basic steps. It's important that your PICO can get to every floor you build. My tips and tricks are based on my experience building my room pictured on the left. The only thing that may hold you back is how many gummies you have saved up!
The room on the left was built with gummy, gacha, and gifts. It took a while but it progressed slowly and with lots of love.
Below I made a video tutorial for you to see how I went about making what I call the STACKING METHOD. You basically use a stack of specific blocks as a template around the room. Check out the video and hopefully it will help you get one step closer to ROOM MASTER!
If any of that was confusing, or needs to be elaborated more, please let me know and I will updated the video with notes. Or I will add EDITED advice here.
Closeup of my entertainment floor.
Closeup of my lounge/kitchen floor.
Closeup of my outdoor garden/tea floor.
Closeup of my pool area.
Anywho... PHEW! What a post! I hope this encourages you to explore PICO more as well as getting pumped to try your hand at making an awesome room. Maybe you can enter it for the contest this week? If not, please vote for my room!!!
I know a shameless plug... haha!
Thanks for reading and remember to keep exploring and creating!