Thursday, July 29, 2010

Room Expansion and Addition


Hello fellow PICOfreaks! Thank you all so much following us! We really do appreciate your comments and your friendly visits! We try our best to keep you guys entertained and also to be there when we can. :B

Expand and Add Rooms

Today I am posting about the new features!
Room expansion and Room additions!
How exciting right?

You can make your room bigger than the original.

This feature is not available on PIGG.

1. Adding A Room
You can add a room by going to your Edit Room or
You can add a room by clicking on the grey arrow
Which will turn orange once you purchase a new room.
Default room size is 8x8.


When you add a room, only with Ameba gold, you will see one of the squares on the room module next to the navigation compass light up. You can either go to the room with the orange arrow, or use the room module to move around to each area.
Room Module
Once entering you will notice that ROOM1 and ROOM2 share the wallpaper and flooring.

What is nice is, PICO has allowed us to use our wallpaper for all the rooms. :D

Here is my second room:
Enter and Exit
It is a simple 8x8 squares room. When they say 8x8 you can fit approx 8x8 squares along the sides. So 12x12 and 16x16 follow accordingly. I have also noticed that you can fill each room with 300 items! This means you don't need to share the 300 item limit for all the rooms. *yay* I have also noticed that if you have pets, they appear in ALL THE ROOMS. So make sure to not double, feed them!

Further, the only disappointing thing is you still can only have 300 items in your inventory in total. I hope someday we can have more.

2. Expanding a Room


When you expand a room, make sure you are IN THE ROOM that you want to make bigger. Note you can use GUMMIES or AMEBA GOLD. You can always downsize if you aren't happy, but you lose the amount you spent on the expansion. Also remember all the items you put in there, go back to your inventory if you downsize.


I have used Ay.s as an example room for expanding.
Above the 12x12 you can see the 8x8
Below is the 16x16 it is HUGE!


I personally find the 16x16 TOO BIG! But I may need it someday in the future for a party? Yes? Haha XD PICOfreaks headquarters!

Well thank you all again for reading our blog. Feel free to donate anything to us to help us promote the PICOfreaks cause! If you also have a room you'd like to promote feel free to contact us with a PICO name and we will investigate it. Maybe the room will be featured on our blog?!?!? WOO!!! Hope to meet you soon!

Have EXPANDED and ADDED PICOadventures!
- Catmid & the team
Catmid SW

If you have any more questions or I have forgotten to mention something, feel free to ask/post here!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Aurora-tan's Matsuri!

my PICOfreaks! Have you been traveling to Japan in PICO?

Since it's summer, it's time for a matsuri! A matsuri is a type of local festival in Japan. It's a nice break from the hot day to go and celebrate with tons of fried food, fun carnival games, fireworks, and dancing! Grab your festival clothes and let's celebrate!

You can find the matsuri event on your Travel Screen!

The thing to wear in matsuri is the yukata! They're like lightweight kimonos! You can also buy happis (they make you happy!) from Shigeo-san at the matsuri.

What a cute pond! Shame I can't try to catch balloons for free!

There are so many different pattern yukatas at Shigeo-san's shop! Be prepared to part with hard-earned PICO gold! The best thing in the shop however, is the Japanese Bon dance! With this dance, you can properly dance during matsuri!

New wigs! I want to try them on!

The most noticeable thing at the matsuri is the giant yagura they built in the middle! According to tradition, you are supposed to dance around the yagura! Atop of the yagura you can see a very spirited taiko drum player! He's very loud!

That's a very tall yagura! Hello up there~

The taiko drum player reminded me of my brother, Gio-tan, who also plays taiko! Matsuri brought on so many nostalgic feelings for me.

Do you see the family resemblance?

I decided to dance around the yagura clock-wise facing away. Direction is very important when dancing. Some fun things to shout while dancing are: "a doshita!" ''a sore!'' "a yoisho!," and "sate!"

This dance is so cute!
I would love to see many Pico's dancing in a line.

While Shigeo-san's goods were mostly in PICO gold, there is a RO8O shop that sells sparklers for gummies! They come in different colors and are very pretty.

A race against time!

There's a fun game in Japan where you race with friends to see whose sparkler lasts the longest. I like to make as wishes as I can on my sprinkler before it goes out. If I reach 20 wishes, then they all come true!

Aw shoot! Maybe next time.

After awhile, the matsuri winds down and becomes very quiet. Even though there weren't any fireworks at this matsuri, I had a lovely time gazing at the stars under the paper lanterns.

It's so romantic . . .

I hope all of you have fantastic fun at this summer's matsuri! I did! Be sure to collect cute souvenirs.

Oyasumi nasai!