Monday, November 22, 2010

Aurora-tan's Family

Hi everyone! It's me, Aurora-tan!

Is everyone enjoying the new Thanksgiving Items in PICO? Let's share the thanks and give away lots of turkey!

Even thought food is delicious at Thanksgiving, I think spending time with family is a bit more important to me.

So let me introduce you to my very own family!

These are my parents, Joe-tan and Sylvie-tan! I think I look like both of them.

My mom loves to talk! I think I inherited this from her.
She has a friendly face that draws strangers into conversations with her.
She also has a temper, and can be very scary!

My dad is usually very quiet and so it's hard to tell what he's thinking.
He tells everything to my mom though.
He believes in hard work and is very proud of all of us.
He is also very frugal with his money, unlike my mother.

I have three siblings and we all look so different. There are two boys, and two girls in my family. The eldest of my siblings is my older brother Gio-tan. He's quite the mature one, too!

He likes to pick on me though! So sometimes, I think he's a jerk!
Still, we two are the closest siblings because we are only two years apart

Next oldest is me! I bet you already know a lot about me, so let's skip to my sister, Toya-tan. She's a few years younger than me and loves to watch movies. She wants to either become an actress or an elementary school teacher.

My sister is quite silly whenever she is tired. She giggles at everything.
She's also obsessed with Disneyland! But she is still my sweet little sister.

Last but not least is Manny-tan! He's the littlest of my siblings. He's very athletic and loves to play all sports, he's even on the baseball team. We both like to watch cartoons together. He's a bit of scardy-cat though, and won't watch scary movies.

My brother's favorite color is purple!
He also has a cell-phone already, which I still have to get used to.
They grow up so fast nowadays!

That's my entire family! Another thing I forgot to mention is that we all love FOOD! Which is why Thanksgiving is one of our favorite holidays!

I hope you and your family enjoy delicious food together during the holidays~


  1. Oops! I forgot to include our family pets. Perhaps another post soon?

  2. AWESOME! How did I not get a notice for this post!!! I want to do one now... haha HAPPY THANKSGIVING/HOLIDAYS!!! NOM NOM NOM!
