Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Guest Blogging! yay!

Hey. SharpShock here.

The ladies of PICOfreaks have been busy busy busy. I have been asked to guest blog and I gladly accepted.

I am a huge fan of Ameba Pico. I play pretty much daily. hehe. Here are some things I like to do with my pico.

I love to dress up!

um...I'm not the best pupil XD

Do I blend in? yeah yeah?

I love school, but boasters can hurt my head, hehe.

gotta run run run for P.E.!

First day on the job. XD

Sitting my the willow tree can be peaceful.

Fun boat rides on the canal.

Lounging in the waters. aaaah.

The casinos are fun! well....not when you lose. hehehe

One thing I really love to do is help others get gummies/stars.

All 10 cannons must be shot as a group. uhh, I forgot mine....

You only need a few dancers to make the volcano erupt, but you need 10 people to wake the t-rex. So, dance your pants off! haha

You need 5 dancers so the fire dancers can come out. Fire! Fire!

Well, I hope you enjoyed this blog! The great thing about Ameba Pico is meeting people who are nice and fun to chat with. I hope you all love reading posts from the PICOfreaks as much as I do. Keep checking for their updates!

See you around!- SharpShock


  1. yay for guest blogging! love the post, SharpShock. you are an awesome honorary PICOfreak! :)

  2. Yus yus! Three cheers for SharpShock! Indeed a PICOfreak and a lifesaver!!! XD !!!

    WOO HA!
